Samstag, 2. März 2013

Busy with school

I was really busy the last time, so I couldn't publish any other blog posts.
I'm sorry, please forgive me guys *heart you*
I have my GCSE in not even two monts. I have to prepare myself. I'm sorry.

"I never thought about being crazy, it's my nature and I'm proud."

Do you want to read some stories I wrote? They just begun, so don't make a fool out of me.. but I hope you'll like them.. :)
My acc:

Graduation 2013

Graduation is coming faster then you know
soon it will be may and we will all be alone
soon we will be crying and we will finally be free
adults you see
either going off to college or staying home
graduation is all we want to hear
there will be laughs
and i'm afraid more tears
as we honor those who wont be with us this year
they did to young
but hey it's life
graduation will be the worst
but the worst is yet to come
graduation is the bench mark
as you close your high school chapter
and open a knew one to life!

See you soon guys <3
Love you all.

P.S. I'll write my blogs a little bit serious now, so don't wonder how my desgin is.